ive done a fair few miles now without ever removing the chain, so as ive just boosted the bike up i think i best get it off,clean it properly and then put it back on all perfect
so any advice on this ? , i dont quite get in the haynes book about all the tightest spot and stuff, so would appriciate a human lol, guide to how its best to put it on and how best to get it the pefect tension and how it should be ?
as it is the chain justs sits on the top of the yellowy colored bit, it doesnt feel loose and has never come off,but i think it defo needs ajusting so its perfect !
the chain its self is an o ring,and looks in good clean shape, what do i clean it with and what oil should i soak it in before putting it back on and for how long ?
Take the chain off and soak it in petrol or paraffin while you give it a good scrub with a stiff brush.You'll be amazed what ****e comes out of it.Try not use oil but use a good quality aerosol chain lubricant.All chains have a tight spot.As you rotate the wheel the chain will have less free play in one area than any other.Its at this point that the tension should be checked.I do a lot of off roading and set my tension at 1 1/4 inch
Soak it in petrol and clean it with a brush.When its clean take it out.Loosen the rear spindle nut and use the adjusters on the swingarm to tension the chain.The adjusters have numbers on them so make sure they are the same both sides to keep the wheel straight.1 1/4 inch at the tightest point is fine. Measure the free play halfway between the front and rear sprockets