hiya guys fitted by carbon fibre indys on dtr just now soldered all the wires correctly and jobs a good one but came to start it and it wont start turn the fuel mixture to on and put the choke on still it wont go!
also ive noticed if you flick the right indicator switch the light will come on, on the dasboard but the left swicth there isnt no light
and it keeps making the electronic noise when you turn the ignition on and the noise keeps happeining when you press any button
You have got a crossed wire somewhere.Take the indicators off and replace the wires to how they were before.If everything is fine as before you must have made a wrong connection somewhere. Is there a spark at the plug?
also check the fuses i was messing around with mine the other week and then my bike would nt start it was just a fuse there just near the battery if i remember rightly
Sounds like you have made a minor **** of it, but i dont know how !
Does the P Valve go through the motions every time you press the indicators ?
Not got into Leccys on DT yet, but most bikes if the key is in the off position will stop the bike from running by grounding out {earthing out} a cable which stops the ignition sys working ... Looks like when you feck with your buttons, it's grounding cable out & in effect turning ignition off .. ?
What model, what year & more info ???
Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes !