Well the bike is really starting to piss me off now after all the trouble with it bogging out and not starting now the lights wont come on :(. The head light works and the bike starts and rides fine but none of the electrics work, the fuse had blown so I replaced and it has blown again I think (need to check today) so there must be a short some where or could it be the battery?
Ive taken it out for a 15 mile ride and thought that might charge the battery up but the lights still didn't work also the battery is under a year old.
I really don't know how to check for a short becuase I know less about electrics than I do about engines.
"Take the bodywork off and look for any traces of corroded wires.Look closely at any areas where the loom sits up against the frame for chafed wires. Give all the connector blocks a good dousing of WD40 and look for loose wires on the blocks."
the headlight runs on a different part of the loom than the tail lights/indicators ect these run on the same as the aux light ,rear brake switch and front brake switch the earth point is the black wire that goes into the reg/rectifier
this may confuse you a little but it may be an idea to check for damaged wires in these places first
Ok I had a look at it today and the fuse has blown again so I cleaned the bike because everything is coated in mud, oil and salt from the road, couldn't see any lose or damaged wires but then I would need to take the seat and tank of for a proper search.
Cheers Baz, where abouts is the rectifier on the bike?
It is difficult to diagnose 'leccy problems without seeing it but the rectifier is under the tank. It could be loose causing an earth then no earth allowing the fuse to blow. The battery could be shagged The rectifier could also be faulty Are you sure the correct rated fuse is being used Also check the ignition switch.If you pull the ignition plug connector apart the bike will start (theives favourite method) but have no electric to run the brake lamps,indicators etc which sounds the same symptoms that you have
on my bike it is just underneath where the seat meets the tank im not sure if they moved it on later models but your looking for a metal box just bigger than the size of a matchbox and it will have small fins in the top
looms can be confusing m8 im just made a complete new one for my bike as my old one had a similar fault to yours ive learned from experiance that even though a wire may not look damaged it can just fail ive wasted hours and hours on looms in the past that had no visable faults but ended up being rotten internally
but like i said check the obvious first you may strike lucky but it may be worth keeping a new loom in mind
Thanx baz/gav if I have time ill have a look at the rectifier tomorrow, im pretty sure I used the right fuse because it was 10 volt and it came attached to the old fuse in a plastic case.
I just can't believe my luck, we are having good weather here at the moment and I should be using that time on the road not fixing things :(. I also noticed today that the PV isn't cleaning itself when I put the key in also the kill switch still works.
Like the boys said, it's a pig trying to sort leccy's on computer, but if your still struggling @ weekend, Post up exactly what works & does not when fuse pops .. Do we have a wiring diag' for your year ?? {manual} ??
and will see if i can spot any causes / effects etc ...
have you done ANY work on bike recent ???
Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes !
Quick update lads, Took the tank, seat and plastics off and cleaned some of the plugs and WD ed most of them also checked the earth wire and it was secure. The 2nd fuse had blown but 2 days ago when I took the out of the garage and started it the neutral/oil lights came on to my surprise. I took the bike out for a spin and indicators worked but only if I gave the bike a little bit of throttle, im going to charge the battery and buy some news fuses and see if it works.