just got on my bike to come home from work battery flat oh well not to worry so i start her up have a fag (or two) while she warms up then on the way the way home theres a nice log national speed limit stretch of road and guess what PV is working as god intended I think its not really giving a kickbut it is revving to about 10 grand any ideas folks? i've got some charge in the battery now so im gonna leave it tonight and see if it goes flat tomorrow and see it still revs as high again before i look at what the problem could be obviously electrical so i'll see?
Batteries tend to last only a couple of years.If it is a fault it could be a bad earth,loose wire or possible shagged regulator.Quite a simple electrical system. Powervalve should still work to a degree from the constant 12v feed from the charging system.Only if battery is well goosed will it cease to operate
i know yeah but its a restricted 125 wont usually rev at all past 8000 rpm its got a flat battery been bumped and de res all at once lol and the bat is brand new thinking it may be the sat nav i left on all day that may of caused the flat just went to check and id forgot to switch it off? whoops but as for the PV that has actually started running correctly and lets it rev all the way and this is a fully restricted model