my power valve is really doing ma head in now basicly it was working fine yesterday, and now today it dosent work i moved some cables about and it kind of moves then stops agen im guessing its a electrical connection problem but the connecters look fine and im stuk what to do now any one had this probllem on know how to fix it cheers guys
yes they are all good like i said it works fine sometimes and other times it dosent work at all like when the engine is cold it dosent work then i warm it up and it works there is alot of carbon build up on the valve i saw this when i did my topend rebuild and im stupid to not of cleaned it up but we learn from our mistakes and that cant really be the problem as it was working like it????????????? help lol ive just put new connecters on for the p.v. and still does not work im so fukin pis sed off now excuse my french lol