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Post Info TOPIC: E.C.U OR E.M.S

DTR Senior Member

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HI THERE all does any body know what the big black box is called under the petrol tank of later dtx's (2006) im pritty sure its controling the power valve or telling it what to do anyway.............  i think i need a new one and cannot find one any where and does any body know a price (est) for what these go for cheers all
pics below



DTR Senior Member

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They are generally referred to as CDI units. Why do you think you need a new one? You don't want to be buying a new one until you have proved conclusively yours is knackered cos no dealer will ever refund you on electrical parts, and they can be expensive. Even a Yamaha main dealer will only test it by swapping it out with a good one, so if you have a mate you can borrow one from then do that first.

-- Edited by Malc on Sunday 28th of June 2009 09:23:07 AM

Just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand...!

DTR Senior Member

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Posts: 118

ok thanks mate erm no i dont no any one close do to that i might order one off ebay
well my power valve has stoped workiing so i cleaned the valve thinking it might be that but it wasnt so then i checked the P.V. motor (servo) but it works still when i connect it strate to the battery so thats fine then i checked connections on the P.V. they are fine and there is power going to the P.V. i checked with a electric thingy... but when its all together it does nothing at all im really confused and i really dont have a qlue what it could be my next guess is the CDI unit so what im going to do is get all the wires out that have any think to do with the P.V. and check them all make sure none are broken and if its not that im guessing it is the cdi but does the cdi cotrol the P.V ( basicly tell it what to do NOT POWER IT)



DTR Senior Member

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All your problems have started since your top-end rebuild, right?

If you were to connect everything up as it should be EXCEPT for the two cables which actually turn the powervalve, then turn the ignition on, what happens?

If the two cables move then at least you know the electrics including the powervalve drive motor would appear to be okay, suggesting the powervalve itself might be tight in its housing.

Just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand...!

DTR Senior Member

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no it hasont been working for time but then a while ago i 4 weeks i connected it back up and it started working again then i did my top end and cleaned the valve and all that and it dosent work now the valve is in there fine all moves ok not hard to move my power valve works when i put the two wires to the battery but as soon as i put it all together it dosent do anything at all
i think it all happened back when i derestricted the earth cable earthed it i think its shorted my cdi unit not sure tho



DTR Senior Member

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has any 1 had a problem same to this and what fixed it




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CDI ...

Check it's right one first

Check you need one first ....

Worth about 30 quid & up to 50 quid on open market ...
[Depends on who needs one & how soon !]



Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes ! 


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Forgot Link ... Doh !




Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes ! 

DTR Senior Member

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Posts: 118

how can i check it tho with out getting a new one any way il be ordering one on friday and ill let you all know how it goes



DTR Senior Member

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is the cdi on ebay from link above yours simon s51e and if so did you have the bike derestricted from the earth cable?




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No m8 ...

Just one i saw on fleabay ....

04 to 57 DT's [RE or X] ... like yours [& mine] ....

Stage 1 .. Ground the wire out near the headstock [yea, mines done] ...
Instantly !! Adds 20 / 25 % more power, as PV now works properly.

ST' 2.  Gut the expansion chamber, get rid of HUGE Cat' Converter in there, chop off & weld up / block up little pipe on xpanny, & block off emmisions rubber pipe whatsit that re-breathes into airbox. OR JUST BUY DEP XPANNY CHAMBER !
either of xpanny options give + 5 % more power.
[don't buy Big One Xpanny Chamber, they are $hite !]

then for bit more ... but much better sounding bike ... DEP or Big One etc end can !!!

ALL the other tweaks & airbox stuff / reed guides / bottle blocking is $hite & doesn't help at all ..

Does yours fly off the clock in top gear ???

As soon as i grounded wire out mine did, then expanny & tail just makes it get up to top speed faster ...

Why do you think you need a new CDi ???????????????????

Is it not running ??


Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes ! 

DTR Senior Member

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Posts: 118

yea cool cheers mate will i wouldent say if flys off the clock but ive had about 80 out of it with just earthing the cable under speedo.. wel i think i need new cdi because here it goes

1, my powervalve stoped working(then it wolud work then it would stop now it dont work at all)

2, so now i try fixing the prob first i thought it was carbon build up so i take the valve out give it good clean looks bran spanking new i put it back in

3,it still dont work so i fort it was powervalve motor probs so i get the servo motor(blackbox) out and strip it and it turns out fine put two cables to battery and it moves around so it ant that

4, so next i try the connections to the valve and there all fine power going to them but when its all in there connected up it still dont work

5, and so here i am ant got a f u k i n qlue what to do next the only thing i can think of is the cdi unit and if it ant that well i give up if it ant that.
so there you go thats why and i would really appreachet any advice because im stuk now
cheers mate




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B2R ..

busy as fook .. no time 4 proper reply ...

But try charging your battery up ..

or linking car batt to terminals for test ..


Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes ! 

DTR Senior Member

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the batt is fine as i have electric start and that would not work if battery was flat or folty




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B2R ..

I aint' got too deep into PV controls on my bike, but wonder if the CDi controls the PV servo motor in stages ??
Does it apply 6v then 8v then 10v ?? or just 12v in either direction or just 12v then when 12v removed does it 'Spring' back ??
Or does it power it back to tickover position ??
 Fook knows ?? Will have a read of manual ?
What im getting at, is you may have damaged Servo motor by putting it onto battery ? Not saying you have, but you might ??

Will have a deek at haynes & factory manual for later bikes, see if there's any explaination of how it works ??

Till then ...  Q's ......

Where you based ? anyone on here near you [with 04 to 57 bike] who could whack their Cdi in for a try, like Malc said, it's what yammy would do !?

I liked his ' disconnect the PV from the cables & see if the servo works on it's own '
idea ...

When you put the ignition on before you hit the starter, does it whir' one way then back again like it used to ??? If not, then your right, it's not working proper !

If it runs, what's it like to ride ???
Grunty bottm end power, but wont get past 65 ???
or  $hite bottom end power, bit revs like a ba$tard past 5/6 K and goes up to 80 ish ????



Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes ! 

DTR Senior Member

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Posts: 118

ok mate well atm ive stripped down the hole bike as im getting my frame resprayed
(tango orange yea m8) well basicly the pv is fine there are two cables that give it power to move and there are two other cables that when a charge goes through on of them it basicly tells it which way to go and then there is gearing in the pv block which reverses the movement causing it to go back the other way. any way i thing the cdi tells the pv what to do as is basicly controling the hole bike well electrics any way i have to move the pv manulley move it left (open) you get topend power and move it to the right you get bottom end power but as i said my bike is in a million bits as it getting sprayed



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