HI there all basicly i got 2006 dt and i was thinking am i correct in thinking that the cdi unit is restricted and also what year cdi units come with out restricters and also could i put a cdi with out a restriction in my 2006 dt with out fukin it all up
i dont think you understand what iam saying so what is this doing to the bike by earthing the cable where does this cable go and ive already done this derestriction and i recon by doing this its shorting the cdi causing the restriction to go
i dont think you understand what iam saying so what is this doing to the bike by earthing the cable where does this cable go and ive already done this derestriction and i recon by doing this its shorting the cdi causing the restriction to go
Going into the speedo is a four pin connecting block. There are 4 wires going into the block and only 3 wires coming out the speedo side. Just find the Green/Black wire going into the block, clip it to separate it from the block, and strip the end and join a small piece of wire to it (long enough to to join to an earth on the frame). When the Green/Black wire is earthed to the frame this stops the YPVS from retarding over 7000 RPM. The engine should rev freely now.
-- Edited by SimsonS51E on Friday 3rd of July 2009 12:42:25 AM
Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes !
yes mate i got the right wire it was working as my bike was alot quicker after i done it as it revvs freely.. what i was saying is by doing the earth its completeing a circuit and maybe shorting the cdi unit frying the restriction which is electronic therefor it is no longer restricted it would make sence because im having electric problems and a lot of other people that have done this are also having electric problems but none are the same eg my pv dont work my m8 that has done this his left indicaters dont work and a coupple of people on here are having electric probs and they have also done this earth cable but i ant no expert but its lodgical
really fair doos i defo got the right cable the green and black 1 i think but i know its the block that has 4 cables going it to it and only three cuming out and you have to chop the 1 that goes no wea and earth it and it must of been the right 1 because there was a increse in power and i ant being funny but i ant a silly 1 lol
give it 5 months and see if your mates bikes electrics start fukin up and let us know yea? and if they do hopfully they dont but if they do then tell em to get a new cdi