Well my DT is the offroad again this time the lights have finally stopped working and after reading Born2races thread about fitting a new clutch I realise my clutch is on its way out as well :(.
The eletrical problem started months ago when the fuse blew so I posted a thread here and got some help and ideas on what might be the problem, ive checked as much of the loom and as I can plus the connections and the box under the seat, couldnt find any problems.
The weird thing is the fuse blew and I took the fuse out of the bike so it has an uncomplete circuit but a couple of weeks after the fuse blew I start the bike and the lights work all of them but I have to revv the engine to get the indicators working properly and the oil light and neutral light are constantly on . Well now they dont work even if I revv the bike but if I have the stand down the lights work (I know this is getting confusing) and thats how it has been since the weeekend. Could it be ive damaged the CDI when pressure washing the bike and maybe thats whats causing the problems?
Also about the clutch could I replace the whole lot with this with relative ease?
yes mate ill agree i recon youve got cdi problems same as me lol and i did jet wash my bike a coupple of times if you put a new fuse in does it blow strate away and also have you derestricted the cable where you earth it or is your bike a eirlyer model where you pull the block out from behind the speedo because i am thinking the derestriction is shorting the CDI causing your bike to fuk right up in time wb
Aye mate it did blow the fuse straight away both times and I havent bought any fuses since ive checked alot of the connections and loom, yeah the bike has the speedo bloke removed as well.
yea i recon the derestrictions on these bikes is shorting the cdi because alot of people are having electrical problems and they all have it derestricted
An electrical short.The lights do not operate on a fused circuit so will work without a battery connected.The short is allowing power to operate the indicators and warning lights.The side stand switch is causing a problem too.It could be this thats causing the problem.Disconnect it and join up the wires.See if that helps. Other than actually seeing it i would advise removing the whole loom and reinstall it checking for any dodgy connectors,rotten wires etc
yea i recon the derestrictions on these bikes is shorting the cdi because alot of people are having electrical problems and they all have it derestricted
Naaa .. !
That's just plain wrong m8
The grounding out of the wire to allow the PV to work [open fully, & not flutter] at high rev's on the 04 to 57 [RE & X] models has NEVER caused anyone any leccy issues that i know of !
The electrical system on the DT [& pretty much all bikes] is 12v insulated conductors with the frame / metallic bits as the return path [ Zero Volts - General Mass Of Earth / Ground / 0 v .. call it what you will].
In order to de-restrict this system [which unlike earlier DT's, HAS to work properly to give the bike enough push to get it to go at a reasonable pace up to 60 mph'ish, to overcome the HUGE HONEYCOMBLIKE CAT' in the Xpanny Chamber which none of the 03 + earlier bikes had ..] ... In order to de-restrict this system you ground out the specific wire to the rear of the headlight. By 'Shorting' this conductor out, you basically ground it out to Earth / 0v, which is the same as water getting in & shorting the system out down to earth ... So the water query, linked to the de-restrict grounding out of the wire ... are not linked. Not to say water / corrosion of the leccy system is not the cause of Trip's problems [but his bike is pre 04 anyhow, with the speedo restictor, not the grounding out of the later]....
Will Say Though ....
JETWASHING ANY BIKE is a piss poor idea ... UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY CAREFUL WHERE YOU POINT THE FOOKING THING !!! Wheel bearings / Swing Arm Bearings / Any Fooking Bearings ..... Brake Caliper Seals / HT Leads & System / ANYTHING ELECTRICAL including LT side of CDi - Switchgear etc - Graphics ! ... Can all be totally SHAGGED by crap use of a decent powered jetwash !
If your gonna use one, just pull back 3 foot when you do it's tender bits !!
[Pretend your the bike .. Full blast on yer back, steady away on yer baws & yocks]
AND FOR FOOKS SAKE .... Use light oil afterwards to displace the water & stop it all going rusty [& leccy connections going crusty !] .. WD 40's fine, i use Silicone Spray !
Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes !
Sound advice as usual mate thank you. Do you not think that the CDI may be damaged in some way at all? I haven't had the money or interest to fix it cause TBH everytime I fix the bike something else goes on the bunk.
I might take the whole loom out and see how it looks, is this an easy job or do I need to strip the bike right down in order to get the loom out?
Gixergav wrote:
An electrical short.The lights do not operate on a fused circuit so will work without a battery connected.The short is allowing power to operate the indicators and warning lights.The side stand switch is causing a problem too.It could be this thats causing the problem.Disconnect it and join up the wires.See if that helps. Other than actually seeing it i would advise removing the whole loom and reinstall it checking for any dodgy connectors,rotten wires etc
Hehehe, I'm tempted to restrict mine, run it for a few weeks, then derestrict it again just for the fuggin' big smile! :D
Malc ....
Funny you should say that m8 ....
I've been having similar Evil Thoughts myself !
But i was planning on sticking a switch in series with the PV de-restrict wire behind the headlight & the frame ....
GSXR Range [and many other of the latest sports weapons] have a 'Mode Switch' to change the engine mapping / restrict the power delivery for different conditions [Known to the masses, as a Chicken Switch !] ...
Would be a bit gay & a do Nowt' on a DT ... But it's still pestering me ...
Only concern is that the Cdi might not like the PV wire grounding out on the move ??? & i may shag the unit ??
WTF ... Im gonna go for it anyway, Got a spare Cdi kicking about ... If i shag it ?!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...............
Blue - DT 125 RE - '04 - First Of The Leccy Start Lanza'Like Bikes !