Yeah it should do, take the headlight cowel off, move the headlight onto the mudguard from the bracket.. undo the spring clips underneath the clock, now the clocks free to move (still connected to its wires, dont yank it lol) watch the spring clips aswell little gits for shooting somewhere.
Not 100% on which plug it is, removed any of the small ones, should be able to quickly find the blown bulb. Few pence from any motorcycle garage (they gave me one free so?)
I always move it anyways, cant get a screw driver in to fish the spring clips out.. they are much to fiddley, easy to grab em when they shoot off too ;)
Haha, the piston circlips are exactly the same! Worse in fact!
Your telling me mate when I took mine off it went pingggggggggggggggggggg and just flew, god knows where, but deffo Tip Of The Day........when taking them things off, always stuff a tea towel/cloth underneath the piston so the clips dont fall in!!!!!