Hi, was just wondering if you guys could identify my cdi for me, what year model its from ect as it has no numbers or markings. As you can see it's a 3 plug type that bolts top and bottom to the oil tank.
My DT is a 2002 bike but the previous owner has fitted a TZR engine so I'm unsure if it's a DT or a TZR cdi.
Mine is no longer working and I'm having probs tracking another down, there seems to be a few of this type about YAMAHA DT 125,2004.CDI / ECU Is this type interchangeable without to much hassle?
Cheers for the advice Ben, Yeah it is mounted on the 2t tank, I popped down the the dealers today to if I could find out any info.
They told me that my cdi is for a DT and it was going to cost just over 300 quid new They told me that my cdi was fitted to DT's from 1999-2003 model 3RME so that makes sense and hopefully won't be to difficult finding another (fingers crossed).
Glad to hear that you got her all fixed up and running mate - nothing worse than an electrical fault to keep you off the road as they can be such a pita to sort out