Im not 100% sure mate, but i would think it would work! As long as you crimped each bullet connection with some plier's or something like that......might take you a while to do it all though
EDIT: you could also use electrical shrink wrap, it's easy to use all you do is heat it up when you have your wire's in place with a heat gun or something
-- Edited by CooS on Sunday 6th of February 2011 04:04:56 PM
i can not see a reason why it would kill the loom just make sure you use heat shrink as coos said the out abit of elcetrical tape over aswell then you should be fine
not a bad idea actually :/ that big bulk of block connectors behind the headlight does take up alot of space.. im thinkin about doing it myself now uv said lol
if u do m8 get good quality connectors i.e with proper insulation, ones with rubber ends not the hard plastic ones and use heat shrink were ever u can urll add alot more life span to all ther connectors that way. if u use the cheaper ones with hard plastic u can wrap it up in insulation tape but after a while urll find that the tape will unstick to its self and ur loom will look tatty n horrible and then let moisture in and attack the connections=more resistance on the circuits=more strain on the battry=more strain on the charging system= headaches ect ect
also use hard but flexible cable trunking,,looks alot neater and adds more protection
easy job, I do lots electrical work and have found maplins a good place to get the bits you want. But use a good Ratchet Crimping Tool not those crappy universal wire striper/crimp tools...these are the ones I use.... they make the job a lot easer with stronger connections.
A stroke is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. A 2 stroke is very much the same.