If you mean the neutral switch that screws into the crankcase by the engine sprocket it is 4KM825400000. Confirm this is correct for your model by going to the useful links sectiona and there's a post there about microfiches for the different models. Click the link and then select the electrical 1 section.
If you mean the neutral switch that screws into the crankcase by the engine sprocket it is 4KM825400000. Confirm this is correct for your model by going to the useful links sectiona and there's a post there about microfiches for the different models. Click the link and then select the electrical 1 section.
thanks but it is a relay that plugs into the loom i am after.
has a 4 pin plug going to it with the following colours wires.
sky blue.....black.....brown.....blue/white
or if anyone knows if you dont need it or join wires together.
Sorry, just posted my last reply without seeing youve found it. No, you definitely need it. The starter pulls a huge current and the relay is just a heavy duty switch which means that you dont need big thick cables going to the starter switch and a big heavy duty switch on the handlebars. This is the same for any engine witrh an electric starter.
the loom is not on the bike yet mate but its located under the left hand side panel according to the diagram on the microfiche and looking at the loom its seems in the right place if i were to fit the loom.
this is for a 2001 loom, in the book its for a dt 3rm9 and 3rme model and uses the 3rm-20 cdi unit.
also the loom has wires for the reed switch on there.
my bike is a 1992 dtr and i am planning on swapping the looms over at some point so i can use the 5 wire servo motor.
i am just trying to get everything sorted on the loom so i can just do a straight swap over one day soon.
Sorry, just posted my last reply without seeing youve found it. No, you definitely need it. The starter pulls a huge current and the relay is just a heavy duty switch which means that you dont need big thick cables going to the starter switch and a big heavy duty switch on the handlebars. This is the same for any engine witrh an electric starter.
i am not using electric start tho matey so is there a way around this relay at all?