ok guys, finally got my bike back together with the tank and everything and now im in a whole heap of s*it, ok so i fitted a vapor trailtech speedo and a tnt numberboard headlight(check my project thread) and i think i did something wrong, it all worked fine untill i started it up with tank onand rode it while it was spitting. i think i have blown the whole loom, no power comes from the battery anymore after i rode it in the rain, the lights come on (just) when its idoling but then die out again as i ride. anyone have any idea how bad it is, what i could check and what i would need? Thanks alot, jake
-Yamaha DT 125 RE 2007
supermoto wheels motocross headlight trailtech vapour stealth full DEP system yz rear guard custom seat powdercoated tank custom levers
OK guys I have the electrics working when the bike is running but there's still nothing when the bike is off but ignition is on, so I guess that its a fuse as when I charge the battery there's still nothing? what fuses does it take?
-Yamaha DT 125 RE 2007
supermoto wheels motocross headlight trailtech vapour stealth full DEP system yz rear guard custom seat powdercoated tank custom levers
Sounds like it's the battery to me? A dud battery won't hold any charge but once started up the engine will create sufficient power for the rest of the circuit I would try a different battery, I can't see why a 'blown' fuse would cause a brake the circuit when the bike isn't started but once started the fuse is 'fixed' and works as it should..
I don't get what you mean when it's run off the mains And you might have tried 2 separate batteries.. But are either of them known to be good (working on another bike for example) If so check the fuses and if it's not that it may be the mystical red wire fault (don't ask) prone to 04 onwards bikes Although that tends to be more of an intermittent fault such as electrics working one minute and not the next..