rear light on the dt has 3 wires, the indicators have 3 wires ON mine they share an earth
So technically i am correct? Just mentioning it a bit different?
Indicators - 1 Positive for left indicator, One for right and Negative to them both. Join negative up making it one wire so that is 3 wires for indicator?
Lights- 1 Positive for Rear light, 1 for brake light and Negative them both to one making 3 wires for rear? Then join 2 negatives together for Indicators and Lights making
2 Positive indicators and 2 positive Lights and one negative for the lot makes 5 wires?
Hope you understand. Btw do you have a picture of the loom connecting block please? If you can if you could unplug it and show me the end coming from front of bike that would really help me out.