I just typed roughly what you are asking in Google and it came up with this forum in the top result, told me the revs you need as well. Also this place is not an automatic service manual which by the way there is a link to on this site that will tell you the revs you need, I really don't mind helping people along with everyone else on here but come on you haven't even tried to look first, this has to be the easiest thing that you can find out and fix just by using a few brain cells, so whats going to happen when you get another small problem, part of owning a 2 stroke is learning to find things out and fix them and 99% of that is down to you, 1% is help that you will get on here, my 1% was telling you to look better.
Scour this whole site, you will need to in the future. I Don't mean to be nasty to you and that's probably how its come across but when I got my first bike I had nobody to tell me anything apart from my brother when he was home once every x months from the forces, no internet forums, and no money to pay anyone to do it for me, I just had a Haynes manual, a book that I bought and a head on my shoulders, those 3 things left all my friends thinking I was the person to go to when it came to fixing their bike. You will appreciate things more if you figure it out yourself and you will be proud that you did it afterwards as well.
PS You will even make a bit of money out of it when your mates can't be bothered to do it themselves.