From time to time I struggle to get my DTR125 to select 1st gear from neutral. Its never usually a problem when I first ride the bike. Just seems to happen sometimes when I pull up at set of lights. When I have come to a stop and put the bike in neutral. Then when the lights are changing I select 1st gear and it doesn`t seem to find it I have to rock the bike back and forth to get into 1st.
It doesn`t always happen but when it has done it as you can imagine I have had a few angry drivers behind me givin it the horn or say summat to me to which of course I happily reply by givin em the finger. I just find it kind of annoying as I know this isn`t correct. Any suggestions what it may be plates need replacing, Spring need adjusting or replacing. I`ve never really done much work to a clutch so any advice I would be appriciated. Thanks
or some wear some where along the cluster or mechanism have a look at the return spring on the gear selector clutch side does the gear lever spring back when u pull it up and down ?
only realy had this problem when engine is realy cold or clutch cable is lose .
maybe also you gear lever is lose or worn and makes feel like its not selecting
When the engine is cold its not a problem the clutch cable is a new one & correctly fitted definatetly not loose. My old one snapped last week after a 300 mile journey to birmingham and back. It snapped about 16 miles from home lol. I`m gonna be doing a engine strip soon and try & see what is causing the problem.