Couldnt find anything on here so wondering what people use to de grease there panels before spraying?? if you buy a certain de greaser for this off the net, providing a link would be even better ;)
To be fair I just wet and dry it first with a fine emery, as it kills two birds with one stone, firstly taking any grease off the panel, and secondly it puts a 'key' on the panel, for when you come to put the ' PLASTIC ' primer on.
Aye pretty much so, plus for any gummy residue left over from taking any decals/vinyls off, use carb cleaner on it, then give it a good wipe off with a cloth, it evaporates after too.
Panel wipe, basically you want an alcohol. I bought 5litre tin of panel wipe from a carboot for 2.50 i think. Its great, they do paint wipes at halfords and they are basically just baby wipes covered in alcohol.
Good to know, im about to do mine too. Anyone know a good site or place to buy the paint. Halfords were ****! Most of their paint is for metal and know one in there could tell me if their very limited plastic paint is ok outdoors!
I used halfords colour match to get the right colour for my blue plastics. Its about 14 quid a tin i think which is pretty expensive but its made to match the colour. The lacquer over the top is what any water or dirt will be touching so the paint shouldnt matter too much I don't think. If petrol is likely to get in contact then use petrol resistant lacquer. Hycote are a great make of spray paints.
Make sure you use a good plastic primer and wipe over with panel wipe before spraying paint ( after primer).
Here is a headlight cowel I recently sprayed and sticker for my current project.