EVERY single DEP pipe that ive had, has had a tiny pinhead hole in it from factory, got 2 DT pipes here, both have a small crack/hole in them about 1mm/2mm, will only cost £5 to get both done at a garage but its inconvienient...
always check your dep, by covering one end and blowing into the other, then listen for air leaks, because mine all have tiny holes or cracks in that obviously arent meant to be there
DEP front pipes are utter chav garbage tat, I think they are made from old Chinese bean tins or something. Ive bought one new one years ago but never again. Tailpipes are OK though.
DEP front pipes are utter chav garbage tat, I think they are made from old Chinese bean tins or something. Ive bought one new one years ago but never again. Tailpipes are OK though.
Matter of personal opinion Scrim, mines been good for me, you just need to look after them mate, the fact is most people can't be arsed to bang on some ACF-50 or similar now and again, then complain that they're rusted to fook, and flog them on, which is fine by me as I know I can bring them back to how they should be, after an hour with a wire brush drill attachment, some t-cut, and a sheepskin polishing disc.