i blew my dt up ... but i fixed it.... Then i crashed it.... but i didnt fix it right and 2 scouser's come in the middle of the night and left me with a working bike
any chain thats the right pitch...iv never bought an expensive chain...well i did once for my cr 125sm got a renthal 1 and iv nver gone back that way it stretched like a rubber band... rk or tdk iv always used
lol well im going to get one and sprokets next week when i have the money
i blew my dt up ... but i fixed it.... Then i crashed it.... but i didnt fix it right and 2 scouser's come in the middle of the night and left me with a working bike
Well i looked at my sproket at its a 55tooth isnt the standard 57 ?
i blew my dt up ... but i fixed it.... Then i crashed it.... but i didnt fix it right and 2 scouser's come in the middle of the night and left me with a working bike