i've been offered a husqvarna ch racing wxe125. now i can't find any info on this model can anyone shine any light on these for me plz ruff price wct ect
the bike is a 2005 model with 11,000 miles and is 8 out 10 condition wise.
i came across one once before and from what i remember its a husky wr 125 2 stroke with the 2 stroke engine removed and a 4 stroke engine fitted i think it might be a ybr 125 engine or slimier
i think ch raceing do it to loads of bikes take good bikes remove the 2 engines and fit more relible engines
I wonder what these are like? 125 4T no thanks. But if it was a tuned version of the ybr it could be interesting. But i wouldn't get one. Spend the money on a dt lol. Fairly reliable and quickish.
To be fair dt's get ragged by every teen and by the time you get one they need a full rebuild.