Need a new battery for my dt 125 re, any suggestions?
the only way is YAMAHA DTR first recommended the MotoBatt in a 2011 thread, but in a thread one year older he said he have had two of them and they eventually died.
So, what battery? and please recommend batteries that'll fit the RE/X, not the before 2004 ones :D
-- Edited by zander on Tuesday 10th of December 2013 04:25:39 PM
also, do you know which model that'll fit my bike?
when looking on ebay and internet there were several different ones for the RE like CB3L-A, CB3L-B..
I personally stick with yuasa as they have always performed well and lasted the longest.
And I wanted a gel one for my dtr, one isnt listed but i think i measured up a yt5summin battery which should fit.