I got the wiring diagram but I m struggling to identify what these are for
the white plug is for rear light I guess the one that's cut is numberplate light not sure about the blue plug
"The cut wires are rear indicators, one dark Brown one dark Green and one Black" The Blue plug is for the side stand switch"
quite a few others too
"The Orange should be the power feed from the cdi to the coil, there should not be any Orange wires in the loom its self. The Green and Yellow are brake light wires and should go nowhere near the Orange from the CDI"
black wire an ring terminal
"The Black with the round terminal is the main earth that bolts to the coil"
"Yellow/Red runs from the lighting coil on the stator plate via the regulator to the light switches"
two wire near front of lom one orange other brown
"There should not be any Orange wires in the loom, only one on the CDI, brown is the power feed for virtually all the powered stuff on the loom"
thanks for the replys
I ll sort it out best I can an put another pic up of whats left
to be honest I think some of the loom is missing (for the battery etc)
not sure about sending it schrim as this loom works with the 89 engine if it gets lost in the post I m screwed
Send it recorded delivery, anyway its up to you mate. Its not often you get offered to get stuff fixed for free.
Any 88 to 03 loom will work with the 89 as long as you have the correct cdi......
Easy peasy........ All the Black earth wires in the loom are linked together so as long as you have one going to the battery your fine, the Red battery live feed goes to the Red on the regulator then direct to the Red power in at the ignition switch and thats it.
Yeah. I wouldn't say you'd be screwed. What is a loom at the end of the day. A bunch of copper wires wrapped up and neatly crimped. You could have a new one made up for it if worse case scenario.