That's a guy on YouTube called Kle with some numbers at the end or something like that.
Someone cleared it up on another forum, his a courier rider in Brazil. He gets paid by the time he gets the goods to the destination. The faster he is the more money he gets. If he's late by so much time, he won't get paid at all. That's his daily job, and he isn't the only one there's others filtering as bad as him in some of his videos.
And yes he has had a couple of crashes and killed a few bikes, none of them at high speed as far as I'm aware.
All it takes is for someone to pull in front of him whilst going over a ton and his dead or in a wheel chair.
Only watched the first 3 mins but to me he didn't really do anything more dangerous than your average rider apart from get pretty close to that other bike.
From what I could see he was only doing around 70 max through mostly stand still traffic. Slower through moving traffic, his speedo is km clearly.
He was constantly dipping the clutch and bibbing his horn to alert other road user's.
Worst thing I could see happening was a car door opening, which could happen to any rider.
Not saying I would recommend this style of driving but I use to filter everything on my pocket rocket's, was just so easy.
Big bikes come with big balls, nuff said. You guys must be Harley fans or something.