any idea how youd know if it was un restricted ? or what years are restricted to what speeds or anything ?
ive got a cdi being delivred to me in the next few days from a bike around 89/90 i think, was cheap enough to take a camble on to see what difference it makes, im banking on it to just plug straight in and swap with the current one
the cdi has arrived this morning in the post, im not sure weather i should tackle changing it myself or get a mate to help who knows a lot about bikes, im just gonna read the haynes manual and see how it looks and weather i think it looks easy enough to do myself , cant wait to get it in there
hello mate, finished the job and just came in for a shower and a cuppa before i take it for a test ride
was easy enough to do, just had to go carefully and slowly and surely , dont just go at it like a bull , took my time and had a good look before i started, i had to cut some of the actual wires from the old cdi beteween the cdi and connectors , done each one 1 at a time and then conected the cut conector bit to the new cdi and tapped them etc , then simply pulled the old cdi out, popped the new one in and conected them up again and job was done
put everything else back on, then on the last nut doing the seat up, the f**ker sheared off , i couldnt believe it, so now its all back together bar 1 seat nut which im gonna have to get drilled , hopefully by a mate tonight
the bike started fine and sounded ok etc
just gonna have a shower and then take it for a test ride,i pray she does the job , also gonna try the snorkel removal after a test ride to see if that makes any more difference !!!
il report back when i get back about half 5-6 !!
dont fear tho in buying a new older cdi like the one in the for sale bit and fitting it yourself, no loom needed or anything and quite a simple but take your time job !
Ta mate good to hear you got it fitted it ok, let us know when you get back how it was :):):). The screws and bolts on my DT are ****e, when we were taking the clutch case off two of the screws rounded off and it was a nightmare to get them lose.
hello mate, took it out and it was exactly the same by the looks of it ,didnt have a chance to go out yesterday,gonna have a ride out today and see what she goes like and have a longer ride to let it get warmed up properly
, if it is the same, i dont know weather the cdi might not be as he said or what ?
i need to remove my chain and give it a proper clean and soak and put it back on and at the right tension soon, and im gonna count the teeth on the sprockets as ive never done so
i was riding the bike last night and it seemed to be boosting , still no higher top end tho
thew power valves not in the wrong position, if you rev the enngine with cover off - before it would move as i started to rev, then i turned it round so it moves when the revs get to 6500
im gonna turn it back round n see what that does now ive got the exhaust system etc on it and this new cdi, and also have a go at pegging it open and dissconecting it n just see what happens , maybe theres something thats making the power valve shut when it gets in the top end of the top 2 gears
coz in 1,2,3,4 it flys and revs all the way , just in 5th and 6th the power kills at the top
Can you take a picture of this deresticted cdi and what year is your bike.My 2001 tops out at around 90mph.I get around 75-80mph up a bit of a hill and it wheelies into 2nd off the throttle.
i dont know if it is a de-restricted cdi for sure , the deller said its an 89 or a 90 cdi and he bought it and didnt use it and was breaking a bike and sold it as un tested
i took a gamble on it as he put the wrong stuff in the title so it didnt come up in searches like it could of, i just thought as its a 90 cdi it wouldnt be restrcited ??
it just looks like the one i took out but older etc and no markings
, maybe its not de restricted, or that its not the cdi thats the problem ?
how do you get your dt to go so fast then ? theres gotta be something thats restricting mine, been raining all day so not had a chance to have a fiddle with the power valve and servo or anything
all i want is my bike to ride to its full potential
how do you get your dt to go so fast then ? theres gotta be something thats restricting mine, been raining all day so not had a chance to have a fiddle with the power valve and servo or anything
Good point I have an 01 DTR and it does 63 on a straight and 50 up hills, ive removed the reed switch from the speedo and put on an after market exhaust.
dont forget....unless you buy the dt from new, ie if your the 2nd,3rd,4th 5th owber etc, your not gona know if its truly standard or what
if your the 4th owner and the 1st ownder put a de restricted cdi or whatever in it, chances are you wont know and think its standard apart from the dep exhaust you put on or whatever
things like that must lead to a lot of confusion about peoples dts and speeds and what they say os done to them surely !!
seen some cdis on germany ebay but pricey , and the wires all look different on some of em so f*8k knows how youd wire em up im wondering also if on the cdi, you can just not conect up 1 or 2 wires that do the restricting possibly ? (i have no idea mind)
if it wont go past 60, thats thre national speed limit, so it doesnt take a genuis to know its restricted, not low on comptression or whatever , its restricted bhp so you cant break the limit
If your bike has the cdi attached to the two stroke tank then its restricted.It doesn't matter what pipe,powervalve setting etc you have it wont make much difference.You have got to change the whole loom and run a pre '96 cdi to cut out the restrictor or get a cdi from abroad where they were unrestricted.My 2001 was slow until i played with it.My current spec is: stock derestricted front pipe with dep end can Very mild porting and gasflowing work on the barrel 0.2mm head skim Pre '96 wiring loom and cdi Servo removed and powervalve fixed in the fast position
They are the only mods i have done.It is very tractable below 5500rpm with good torque.The standard pipe is very good at making bottom end power.I have had a couple of dtr's which i have had to run in with new pistons and i can ride these on the road comfortable with the powervalve open so i don't see why so many people struggle when they open their valves.
mines a 1998 with the cdi undear the petrol tank, not on the oil tank
ive only ever looked at the power valve once and turned it round, it could be out slightly ? , but the performance improved when i did , but as ive never done it before and am new to dts, it might be done slightly wrong or something ?
give me a run down of exactly what to do and try if ypuid be so kind ? , as im gonna have a look i wanna try disconecting the servo with it fully open and just see if that gives me top end just to see , then try with it connected in 100% the right position, just to see whats i like best/works best
Disconnect the servo motor and open the powervalve.Take the exhaust off and make sure it sits flush with the exhaust port.Turn the engine over by hand to make sure the powervalve doesn't hit the piston.Use a stock derestricted front pipe for best power with a dep or similar end can.Keep everything else standard e.g. carb settings, reed block, snorkel etc. This should derestrict your bike.You have to make sure your cdi is pre '96.
ive got an 2002 dtr ive derestricted the exhuast its not on the road yet i'm just using offroad at the moment and ive had it to 60 probs about 60-65 in between and it flys to there and i think it would probs go for more but i always run out of field space! lol the reed switch is still in ive not took it out or anything revs all the way to 10000