I know I should really get them powder coated but I haven't got the money for it and was wondering if it would be possible to spray them myself? It would be easier to keep the wheels in good nik if they were black they have loads of rust on them now and I want them to look better.
Is it possible to do it myself and make it last/look half decent, I really like the idea of black spokes as well so hopefully I wont have to mask to much off.
The problem is the rims are chrome so getting paint to stick to them is going to take some serious prepping.With coarse grit paper you are going to have to scratch the rims up so the paint will stick to it.Done right though it will look good.
If your doing it yourself then a good primer followed by Hammerite Smoothrite either gloss or satin depending on the finish you want.Its a very tough paint ideal for wheels and then followed with loads of lacquer
Cheers man, gonna have a look online for some Hammerite online. I won't be doing this anytime soon unless the weather gets better cause I have to work outside because there isn't enough room in the garage and its to dark.
Ive been looking on google for images of painted bike wheels but can't seem to find much.
i agree blasting and powdercoat is he way to go although i understand what gav is saying with the prep work it will still flake off eventually cos its chrome its like trying to stick butter to a hot plate especialy if you do any off roading its just money down the pan
your wheels should clean up a bit with some fine steel wool and a wire brush on the hubs but id say paint a big no no m8