Ok, what I really hoped for in an answer was something along the lines of...
"Yes, its an electrically driven tachometer and can be fitted in conjunction with a replacement loom, or you can wire it into your existing loom with mods"
"No, its mechanically driven and the RE engine has no take-off for the cable, so if you want a tacho it means a change of engine"
-- Edited by bykerbaz on Tuesday 16th of June 2009 05:59:53 PM
Just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand...!
ahh now yes it is mechanicaly driven but it does have electrical connections too if you want to have it as it should be thats where we where getting confused lol
im guessing the later models(non rev counter) would still have the drive hole but not the drive mech itself and i recon it could be fitted if the hole is there
the hole should be on the bottom end just left of the kickstart
if your not sure where its located i may be able to find as pic somewhere
@bykerbaz - I am 99.9 percent sure you're right about the mechanical drive bit, but as to whether the later DT-RE (and DT-X?) engine has the necessary hole and mechanical parts? I don't know about this. My bike is 20-odd miles away currently so won't really be able to check until the weekend on my own one.
What does surprise me (looking at manuals, etc. off the net today) is how similar the engines appear to be to the old Mk2 I had years ago - I am hoping like heck the DT-RE engine has the necessaries. If I have to split the crankcases to add the extra gears, etc. then I will do. The electrics apear to be back-lighting and thats about it as far as the actual tacho goes, and the temp gauge I can easily fit the sensors for, etc.
The biggest surprise/question is why did Yamaha choose to do away with the revs and temp gauges?
-- Edited by bykerbaz on Tuesday 16th of June 2009 06:00:59 PM
Just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand...!
im guessing m8 that yam used the same crankcases they used for the origional 88 model probably so they did not have to go to the xpense of re-design the same goes for the frame its like the oldsaying ''if it aint broke dont fix it'' we all know the dt was a top bike from the word go and i recon yam thought the same
if they just blocked things like the kickstart hole up on the later models to make way for the leccy start i bet they would have done the same with the rev counter gear
i agree its a daft idea to remove the rev counter on the later models i think its kinda like going in reverse where design is concerned
the only reson i can think for them doing this is to maby make the bike less daunting to the learner,to make it look less sporty and more user friendly but who knows how there minds work
-- Edited by bykerbaz on Tuesday 16th of June 2009 06:01:55 PM
I took a drive out to check out the engine casings where the tacho cable would connect - sure enough there is a blanking plug in there, so next I intend to take the clutch casing cover off to see inside and determine if the necessary castings will be there for the internal components to mount to, etc. I'm very confident now they will be there.
To that end - does anyone know where I can download a parts fiche for the 99-03 models please? I reckon they'll be the best age range parts to source for this little modification.
Just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand...!
There are no micro fishe for the DT trust me , Ive spent the past 6 months looking . Even the parts guy said the libraries dont have it . Another reason why my build has taken so long
Yes, it seems parts manuals, etc. are going to be VERY difficult to come by. Made a little bit of progress on that score today in that Yamaha have a internet-based parts catalogue, but its for dealers, etc. only - https://www.ympulse.com/yme/asp/Europe/Europe.asp - so if anyone is good at hacking we might be in luck, otherwise... :(
The good news is though I will be able to fit a tachometer to the DT-RE. The crankcases have all the castings, etc. as Baz suggested, so I ordered up all the drivegear for about £35 today from the local dealer.
Once it arrives and I start fitting it all, I'll do a little write-up so you can all see how to take a perfectly good running motor and make a pigs-ear of it! :)
-- Edited by Malc on Wednesday 17th of June 2009 07:27:26 PM
Just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand...!