Im 99% sure this is the correct block to unplug and tape up but just thought I would post up some pics to be 100% and I hear theres quite a few people wanting to see this anyway.
Is it now just a case of taping over the connection and over the plug with insulation tape as far apart as I can get them?
Hi Sorry i couldnt help you as my bike is a 98 so it doesnt have that restrictor on it but im 99% sure your right. But i was curiuos to know how you got on with it Cheers Mark
Hi Thats strange as a 2001 model should have it and i believe they used it up to 2004 but if you havent got it and you want to derestrict then thats one thing you dont have to worry about !!
hi there i have recently bought a dt125r on a 03 plate and i must admit i was a little disapointed on the power i have now found out it is restricted i have looked at the questions and answers on here and i have removed the restrictor behind the clock and taped it up as in the pictures does any body know where the other restrictors are or how i can improve the bikes performance also with reguards to the restrictor behind the clock i was maxing at 700rpm before but it aint much better now might of gained a extra 1000rpm max can anybody please advice
Hi Paul Have you got a standard exhaust if so you will find that there is a restrictor in the front end which needs to be removed or just replace the full exhaust for a dep . Hope this helps
thanks for your reply yes i have a standard exhaust i have read up on these dep exhausts and think it might be a good idea investing in one many thanks for your help
Awwwwwwwwww so thats what its for then, I noticed mine the other day when I was sorting out all the wiring and untangling it all, it was just hanging so I taped it up shall I just leave it at that? havent got to snip any wires have I at all??
-- Edited by PatMan on Saturday 18th of July 2009 07:36:03 AM
Sumone cut mine off before i got it and it dont run ,, is this likely to be the problem as the white and black wire from the reed switch goes to your servo and cdi and the red and blue 1 goes to your cdi . if this would make my bike stop runing has any body got 1 for sale lol.
nice one robin. ive been tryin to find 1 for sale / nightmare the only outher thing not plugged in is the ignition but as far as im aware it doesnt need 1 to kick it up and start it . im runing a 3RM9 loom .
IF you have that model DT, then all you need to do, is take out the speedo side of your clocks, unplug the white block from underneath the speedo cable plug, you'll know which plug it is, as it has a glass fuse look to it, tape it up, and wedge it in behind the clocks somewhere it cant be damaged, put the speedo back, and hey presto, speed restriction removed :)
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2000 will have yeah, if the reed switch has been cut out, your powervalve won't operate, it'll do the clean cycle, but it won't kick in when running
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