Just got some fitted after having the factory tyres since 2002 the old ones were wrecked, both of them were square, ive driven roughly 20miles of the new tyres so far and im loving them, my DT is such a pleasue to ride now, it glides through the corners rather than you having to drag it through(obviously i havent pushed it yet but once these tyres have ran in i will), and the ride is so much smoother without the knobblies.
Only downside ive noticed so far is that it looks stupid having road tyres on an enduro, but if youve kept the standard front fender and indicators like i have then you obviously dont care about the looks of the bike.
Also if your gonna put road tyres on your bike then you can kiss goodbye to greenlaning etc, but seeing as i live in london all i ever do is town riding anyway so the road tyres suit me alot better.