just got a 1998 dt i think after expecting the loom to be the same as my 2001 dt i thought i would be a case of pluging in the pv and off we go but ther is no conection for it onlay plugs spare is a yellow and black single bullit conector and 1 2 prong conector the clours match a pv controler box i got of a tzr and then i can plug my pv servo into that also is it posible to fit a newer 08 dtre engine in becuse i have one spair i want to fit a kick start as well but i want to wirte up the leccy start.
they changed the wiring again I belive on the newer DT's. Like the flywheel is completely different on a 07 to a 92 along with a few (more than a few!) other things. compare wiring diagrams.. I got the diagrams for the RE/X and 89 to 03 I think if you need em. PM me ;) In the haynes tho there is at least 3-4 diff wiring diagrams through 89 - 03..
around 01 they used the newer engine, the 04 they still used the newer engine but done a load of electrical changes...
I dont know what changes they made on the servo though..
I HATE electrics with a passion.. My mate is a sparky and he tries to explain electrical stuff and it goes over my head.. show me a piece of mechanical machinery and Im in my element...
-- Edited by element on Monday 22nd of March 2010 10:57:37 AM
04' DT125RE 32k miles and counting / 89' DT125R 3RN1 Rebuilt + Supermoto'd. "Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing, become nothing"
the the fly wheel its totaly difrent as are the wires etc why cant it be plug and play lol the stator is conected to the caseing rather than the engine