I'm just putting an ex-field bike back on the road, and am struggling as I dont know how things should end up. Are the "side" lights & rev/speedo lights on all the time without a switch? The diagram shows one (item 23 on the diag I have) but I dont seem to have one, nor can i find one for sale. Should the yellow/red "feed" light be wired to the blue light through a switch I dont have.? How can you have the headlight not on (my switch only offers high or low beam, not on/off) I could rig up a two position switch that takes current from the red/yellow, feeds blue at position 1, & blue and continues the yell/red to the left hand handle bar switch at position 2- but is that right, &/or OK
Is the yellow/red only live when engine runs?
It would help a lot if someone could describe the proper working situation. Thanks
Cant answer any clock questions as don't have any , but your LH switch should have high/low and on/off , indy's and horn . If not you need to source the right one as it also run the headlight , they're £70 new and NEVER tun up on eBay .
would it not be better to fit the loom of a 2000 bike pluss thay use the 5 wire powervalve i fitted a loom of a 2002 bike made it faster and got the pv all setup