Ive got a dellorto carb manual if your interested could email it to you. Yeh as robin says may aswell chuck a new plug in aswell as they are only a few quid.
The main jet should have a number stamped on it, check what that is a post here before changing it and hold it up to the light and make sure it not blocked at all.
Let me first thanks everyone one this forum for their help so far! I have gone to bike novice to having the thing stripped down, carb out.. rebuilt and started first time! that is the greatest mechanical achievement of my life lol..
anyway It was one of 2 things..
Took the carb out, cleaned it (forgot to look at what size the main jet was, doh) Reassembled, then remembered i put the white reed switch back in the speedo yesterday so took that out and this time cocooned it in electrical tape and put it to one side,
Im guessing it was the carb, although it did look very clean, wouldn't like to think i had done all this work and could of been sorted with a bit of electrical tape!
Now revs up to 11k, I didn't notice any extra woosh above 8000rpm though, had heard some people say theirs is like a rocket when they hit that, especially with the DEP system, mine just keeps on the same sorta acceleration, I have also brought a new Spark Plug and will chuck that in in a bit.
However.... now I have another problem just got back and have noticed that my exhaust may not have been fitted or does not fit correctly! (apparently it was off a 2001 originally) seems to be an oil leak behind it and is running down under the exhaust join (although someone has just told me there shouldnt be any oil coming out of that hole in the engine just fumes?) Pics attached, the oil has been circled, the 2nd photo shows that the exhaust end is a couple of mm out in shape compared to the join on the engine
Yeah mate, its your exhaust gasket, you should replace them everytime the exhausts off and especially when the exhaust has been changed, 2 stroke oil doesnt combust it stays liquid to lubricate the top end.. it leaks out, same as if you stick your finger in the end of the silencer, comes out all black lol you need a 46mm exhaust gasket. Will run better then.
lmfao bathroom sealant, nice, very professional, maybe thats why your bike quick :D good seal. Did you do it to stop water going in when you put it river and such :D
iff that oil is out of the zorst you need a new gasket for it, if not you may need to split the crankcase and change the crank case gasket. my exhaust leaks quite a bit more than that.
also if thats a DEP when u change ur exhaust gasket you might want to fit 1 or 2 washers on either exhaust stud before you put the nuts on, it just helps the nuts push the exhaust onto the manifold abit more else the exhaust tends to spit oil out the side onto the engine even with a new gasket.
so itll go, engine>gasket>DEP>washers>nuts.
And when u say u dont feel any power increase after 7,500k u must have something wrong, be sure to check that you power valve is deffinatly in the right way around.
Thanks mate, just waiting on the gasket and will add some washers..
Hmm ok I shall also investigate the powervalve a bit more (gotta check up the exhaust port when it is off anyway), the dot on the powervalve is facing up though, thought that was correct?