i purchased some wheels a while back to sm my dtr . could anybody tell me what they are . the front 1 has a kings tire 100/90-18 tyre and says " E*WM3-2.15x18*DOT*RACING*8 89 *M IN ITALY
the rear 1 has a sport demon 130/80-17 M/C 65H tire and says " E*3.00 17*DOT*RACING* *M IN ITALY 7 91 when i purchased them i was told the back wheel would fit strait on useing the oringinal dt spaces and that the front 1 would fit but i would have to get a brackett made for the front caliper . ....this wasnt the case i think the front will fit with the right size bearings in and the speedo drive removedand spacers made ( would have to have a didgital speedo ) ... i never tried the back as i dont want a didgital speedo . so once i findout what they are they will be for sale lol and i will see if i can get my money back or most of it and put it towards getting my none runing dt runing again .