I recently put one of these on my bike, looks great but it barely puts out any light, are there any better bulbs for it or are they just crap in general and should i resort back to original light?
as far as iv herd it isent as good and someone said his keeps poping bulbs or something might be able to do a mod and put a higher power bulb in or something
im pritty sure it is i no the dtr is difrent then dtre lmao if your looking for a nice looking good headlight the best one iv found is the trail tec one
the polisport one on the right will be the same as the one u are looking at lol
Toysoldier is right the polisport doesnt give off as much light as the original headlight, but it still does work well I think, and goes through the mot which is good, but over all on looks and style beats the normal headlight hands down
Hi! I recently passed the driving test and I have bought a DT 125 from 2003 and so far I really like it!
I think the headlight is quite weak though so I was wondering how to make it brighter. The Trailtech lights seem like they are a lot brighter than the original headlight ( http://trailtech.net/light_comparison.html ) and I wonder if it would be hard to install the 70W Halogen kit from there ( http://trailtech.net/x2_kits.html ) and if the bike would be able to handle it? The HID light seems better but costs 4 times as much so I would probably just go for the halogen one.
Or is it possible to just replace the bulb in the stock headlight with one that has more watts? Right now the only difference between high beam and low beam is that the high beam makes the light point more up, but I do not notice any change in brightness. IMO it is not bright enough to ride in the woods or any place without street lights at the moment.
iv neaver tryed standard ight but i got a twin light offebay for the dts fits allmost perfect and seems bright in my garden with no street lighes in the dark so and was only £20
You mean you can just replace the original light bulb with a HID thing? BTW are there one or two bulbs in the headlight? Haven't tried opening it yet. HID lights are kind of a pain in the ass for the drivers/riders in the oncoming lane, right? Will it be OK when you switch to dipped beam? How does the dipped/high beam work anyway, does it just reduce the power delivered to the light bulb or does it do anything else considering the light beam is actually higher with the high beam?
A lot of questions in one post, sorry for that! I'll try to answer questions as much I can in the future to compensate, haha
I'm looking into getting Xenon bulbs for my new headlight buddy, but you have to be careful with the wattage or you'll melt your headlight lenses! Also from full beam to low beam it doesn't dim, it just shuts off 1 of the bulbs to emit less light (crappy i know but mehh).
Sorry man I dont have HID's so cant answer all those questions, i'd just be making stuff up. They arent that much of a pain to drivers and most bikes are built with HID's standard now. It's if it's worth it , expensive to replace compared to a simple bulb
Does the light socket have some kind of name? So that you'd know if a bulb actually fits?
Would something like this fit: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Xenon-Hyper-White-H4-12V-100-90w-HID-Low-Beam-Bulbs-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem19c5d7dd93QQitemZ110693440915QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#vi-ilComp
Maybe a little too many watts, but would you need a conversion kit? When searching for HID lights on ebay a lot of those conversion kits came up
I've done some research (unscrewing the bulb and searching the internets that is) and the original bulb has a p45t socket (1 bulb with 2 different light-things in there, one is for high beam and the other one's for low). The p45t socket is kind of old and not so frequently used nowadays, and I've not found any Xenon HID conversion kit that fits for the p45t socket. But I have found an adapter so that you can fit the more common H4 bulbs (including xenon HID stuff) in the bikes p45t socket ( http://cgi.ebay.com/P45T-P43T-H4-HEADLAMP-ADAPTERS-VINTAGE-CLASSIC-2CV-/280510406437?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item414fb91f25 ). I'm thinking of buying this and a HID conversion kit but I'm still a little unsure of how the switching between high/low beam will work with the HID ballast and stuff. Also I don't know where I would put the HID ballast, but there would probably be some appropriate place to tape it to lol
Does anyone know what would happen if you'd connect the headlight directly to the battery? The HID kits with high/low in one bulb (like the original bulb) need to be connected to the battery directly using a relay harness. Would it drain the battery directly?
Or would it be possible to connect it to the headlight generator anyway? What are the differences in the output from the battery and headlight generator?
Edit 2: Sorry for going way off topic, if it would be possible these posts about brighter light could be transformed into a new thread?
-- Edited by swedur on Friday 3rd of June 2011 11:01:22 PM