Ored a piston , got it had it a few weeks , took to me local mechainc as it was in the same bag as other bits i needed doing, then he go thats a rd125 piston , my rebore been match to the piston 58.00 2.00 os.
It has ports, he knows so much and said it will be ok , if anything maybe faster, it said rd ect ect dt , but as its stolen revored its so hard to tell the year.
Just wanted to make sure its ok before i put it back togther , as fresh engine rebuild. got
piston , rings re bore crank seals all other seal, gear lever kick start clutch gaskets
its not ideal, the main thing i would check is that the ring gaps are in the same place as the dt ones so they don't interfere with the ports, also the base of the sleeve may be a problem as the dt one is shaped for crankcase porting and may hook up on the ports on the piston as dt pistons have a plain skirt, if you can i'd send it away and get the right one, can't see it would make your bike faster atall
well the crown is the same , the bottom is bigger so i need to make sure it doesnt catch the flywheel. I can not find a 2.00 oversized piston for a dt125r unless its 58.40