hey its been a long time ive been after a nice little dtr project.. last month i came across this little jem for only £80 it has a blown top end and all the paint work is pretty shabby.. but on the up side its taxed and tested till june 2011
anyways heres the pictures over the last few weeks ..
this is what i started with..
and now the strip down..
and after a lick of paint and slowly putting her back together..
Hey dude yeah it's all coming together quiet nice =) it's not as good as I wanted at the moment I'm just building it up for over the summer! Next winter it will be a another rebuild with everything sand blasted and powder coated.. I'm thinking Kawasaki green swing arm, fork legs and other little odds and sods, black frame and White panels and tank
yeah my heap was £250 with knackered everything and i think the mot ran out somewhere around 1993! like the colour scheme, braver than me with mixing the colours up! are you painting the engine as well?
nice work, but I cant say i'm convinced about the day glow folks and jcb yellow hubs..
i Hate how its all turned out to be honest =( but it will do for this summer anyways.. going to save up and collect all the bits i need for next winters rebuild
hey just thought ild update a bit of progress on my dtr build =)
been bit of a busy boy picked up this 2002 dtr last week becase its full of parts i need for mine plus the SM setup was a added bonus =) the frame was worthless so heres a few pics of it being swaped over to my frame and the stage im at now
Yeah mate was a propper steal !! The first few pics was then I got it back in October but in the last week it's realy starting to happen =) I'm between 2 projects at the moment so slow progress the other one is a 1994 cagiva mito evolution
I'm not very happy with the way it's turned out I could visualise sumin a bit better but my main aim is to have it running and rideable before I have a major rebuild