Hi i brought this stolen revoerdd, £300 full dep , started if fuel went down the plug , didnt bother just stripped it , my mate had a frame all hpi checked for nothing as long as i gave him my frame.
Then i left the bike for a month or 2, cba with the weather ..... :(
Now started it , sprayed the frame ect , im no good with pics i just get on with it :( but trying to do my best.
So , rebuild most engine need indictor rear light , got plastic bit tatty , stickers some missing.... frame , sprayed DONE swinger, need sprayed , but rear wheel is jammed on. DAM gonne do loads more , started to polish for legs , clean loom up.dep ect
This is when i brought it , took a few thing of when i took the pic , could have just put the frame , and would have tidy and it would have been ok , but the other frame was in need of some tlc, by then you think i want it mint :)
Yea i was thinking that , dnt want to spend to much tho , i mean if i get the bike all taxed ect m.o.t for £800 would be nice, as its all new and fresh to last a year easy.
Are they cheap , or any were to get one cheap on here
I think the are renthals i dunno , dust ohhhh noo lol Were my finger is , there was a big old mark probly at the police station impound or something , got some white spirit(and it went easy )
Internt just cut out whilst uloading picx :(
Spayes the frame took a few hours, and a bad job for the time , tbh you never see it as long as its rust free but it came out quit goood so
Got the forks on , took ages to put the clamp on noticed the steering lock was on ohhhhh
,STaarted to polish the fork legs up , plus the back axel is major stuck on there.
Done some to the swinger, got the wheel off lump hammer and 2 stroke oil , the axle is still in wheel, its stuck in a spacer so were gonna angle grind it off 2moro. Also going to take the swinger to the garage jet hose, gave it a little sand tho. This pipe is a big one pipe , need some tlc paint , and the bracket has a little crack near the back box no holes. For sale but these pics are for zoop / he has first if he wants it still.....:)