you will usually have 2 lives and a neutral from the loom to the headlight bulb, a high beam live, a low beam live and the neutral return to make the circuit. The neutral will be permanent and the lives will be switched through the bars, being the little halogen bulbs i imagine they will only have one filament so personally i'd probably take the low beam live to the right hand light ( from sitting on the bike) and the high beam to both otherwise its going to be simply or off.
-- Edited by fuggie on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 10:00:00 PM
wich is wich mate... theres the green+yellow from my switch gear,, yellow from my look and then there the black earth... then there 2 wires coming from each bulb but im confused iv tryed wireing it in but cant seem to get it workin :/
i'll have a look at a wiring diagram for you, on a side note you havn't made the mistake of not having the engine running when trying it out have you as the headlight only comes on with the engine, took alot of faffing about to figure that out when i brought mine with no lights on lol
just checked the wiring diagrams in the haynes, these colours for the headlight are the same for both the wiring diagrams shown which according to the manual covers 1988-1995 :
they are the ones that would have already been connected to your origional light, the switch on the bars controls the live wires to switch between the two
-- Edited by fuggie on Thursday 20th of January 2011 06:30:00 PM