Anyone who wants to tweak their DT carb might find this interesting. It explains Mikuni's jet needle system and might help if you are looking to change the mixture on the midrange to suit a different air filter etc. Alternatively just keep it pinned and dont worry about the midrange...........
I think that the standard airbox is ok and is probably not restricting the system. IMHO its the reed block that is the most restrictive part. The only advantage putting on a separate filter unit is that its easier to get the carb on and off. The standard set up is a bleddy nightmare - for the 26mm round slide carb on the older models anyway. Need someone on this forum with some electronics knowledge to do a fuel injection conversion lol.
hi dingle you are so right round carb its a deterrant to work on my bike every time you take it off you think its just a matter of time before the rubber splits. my bike is 1999 . when did they fit flatside please steve
I had one of these in place of my airfilter box made the bike sound awfull and pretty sure it lost a bit of power, and raped my pettie, I'd stick to the standard boxed airfilter, just get a perfomance foam inside it if you wanna chance the airfilter.