mine dont work either... wired them all in correctly, but I get nothing, i'll borrow my mates relay today and see if that sorts it, if it does, could be your problem too.
just put new idicaters on mine done front worked fine done back then all indicaters wouldent work 2 hours later couldent find what was wrong the realized i put the black with white stripe wire in where the live should be but the black with whit stipe was an earth so i put the wires round the wrong way lol . all four indicaters wouldent come on . now there fine check your wires again
Yamaha + indicator relays = Dogsh*t in my experience, replace the relay and all should be well. Every yamaha I have owned, I've had to replace at least one indicator relay
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hey i also have a 2001 dt125, the indicators flash quite fast, i was wondering if anybody knows if this fault is normally relay related, or a bad earth ?
Indicators tend to flash fast because one of the bulbs has gone, but if both the front and back are doing it i would try swapping the relay with a known working one to test
hey i also have a 2001 dt125, the indicators flash quite fast, i was wondering if anybody knows if this fault is normally relay related, or a bad earth ?
That could be the wrong relay fitted, or if the bike has aftermarket LED indicators, you might be missing the in-line resistor that is usually supplied with the kit.
Do us a favour by the way buddy, pop into the newbie section and put a post up, tell us a little about yourself and pop some pics of your bike up!
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