allso why sm it your logic is your stupid for haveing a bigger tyre on your wheel so your not smart for sm your bike you should of kept your 21/28 inch wheels with sportsmen setup on them and you would be chiping
Damn man ur dumb, i was only saying it was stupid because it is a waste of money! ur bike rides slower with a 160, it's more expensive then a 130, you'll waste more gas cause the tyre it heavier.. so many things. What's the question? and u have touched ur knee on the gronund with dt? i have to take a picture of my bike's rear passenger suports for the feet. all scratched out because of curving!
youv scraped the rear passenger pegs on the ground id like to see a photo please mate XD im pritty sure the side pegs will hit the floor first so id say you probly just low sided and scrached it up mate
allso why sm it your logic is your stupid for haveing a bigger tyre on your wheel so your not smart for sm your bike you should of kept your 21/28 inch wheels with sportsmen setup on them and you would be chiping
Damn man ur dumb, i was only saying it was stupid because it is a waste of money! ur bike rides slower with a 160, it's more expensive then a 130, you'll waste more gas cause the tyre it heavier.. so many things. What's the question? and u have touched ur knee on the gronund with dt? i have to take a picture of my bike's rear passenger suports for the feet. all scratched out because of curving!
youv scraped the rear passenger pegs on the ground id like to see a photo please mate XD im pritty sure the side pegs will hit the floor first so id say you probly just low sided and scrached it up mate
ur pegs hit the ground first, but i have scratched them both, you can put the rear ones on the floor aswell :))
fule is petrol mate XD i understand what your are saying mate it just sounds wrong to me for some resone
the way i see it the wider the tyre the more or a curve the tyre has witch means you can lean the bike over more with a les wider tyre its going to be flater so more tyre on the road at any time what you said is correct but its mixed up as a taller tyre means you can lean the tyre over alot more so the bike goes lower
dunno if you get what i mean but hears a pic the flater the wheel the more that touges causeing more tyre to touch the floor causeing more drag so less speed and useing more petrol so a bigger tyre is better again
the image is wrong mate, this it's how you will have the tyres :
im tired cba to talk about it ill look it up i may be wrong but it im sure with a wider tyre the centre will be higher makeing the tyre more rounded so better grip for low down corners
im tired cba to talk about it ill look it up i may be wrong but it im sure with a wider tyre the centre will be higher makeing the tyre more rounded so better grip for low down corners
No because you dont have a rim wider enough to make the tyre round, do you understand me? You will have a square tyre...
im sure your geting it backwards mate a wider tyre on a skinny wheel will make the tyre round on the top a skinner tyre on a wide wheel will make it square
im sure your geting it backwards mate a wider tyre on a skinny wheel will make the tyre round on the top a skinner tyre on a wide wheel will make it square
Nop because the small tyre will spread in the large wheel, and the big tyre stays the same. Think it well mate..
im sure your geting it backwards mate a wider tyre on a skinny wheel will make the tyre round on the top a skinner tyre on a wide wheel will make it square
Nop because the small tyre will spread in the large wheel, and the big tyre stays the same. Think it well mate..
i am thinking about it mate and what our saying is right just the wrong way around you want the tyre to stay the same so its round if the tyre spreds out it becomes flater then it should be
Its all down to preference. I feel more comfortable with 150's on. I think the choices in tyre that you have are a lot better if you put a 150 on. I think the 150s tend to 'square off' less. I think the quality of tyre is better when you get to 150's. I think they look better. I think the durability is better. I think they heat up well. I think they hold up in the wet well. I think fuel consumption will be pretty simular. I think you should run what ever tyre you like.