when i switch the lights on they wont come on intill flat out revs side lights are the same just a little less revs indercators are the same i have to really rev it for them to work horns the same aswell and and today the oil and n light stay on whatever gear im in and the power valves dont work inless ive got the light switch on and if i just cruise the bike they stop working and then ive got to thrash it for a littel while so they work again its like it got to charge the battery or something before they work oh and the brake light is the same i have to rev the nuts out of it im surprised i havent blew the top end yet so can someone please help me thanks
well i took it to a bike shop because it woudent start i went there the next day and all the wires where stripped turns out it just needed a new ignition and its been like that eversince