Has anybody on here powdercoated their swingarm??
Ive been told not to do it because of the heat but the guy at the powder coaters says hes done loads with no problems.I dont fancy fitting new bushes.
Any advice plz.
Full Teardown and Rebuild.
mine were seized in had to smash them out
well worth it though and the suspension works much nicer
Cheers for the replies,
My bushes are ok so i want to powder coat the swingarm with the bushes in it.
The bloke said its my choice as hes done them before and they have been ok.
He did give me another option which was he would sandblast the swingarm then i would have a good key to spray on to,im thinking this is the best idea.
Has anyone powdercoated theirs and the bushes have been ok???
my mate did his smx125 at the same time with the needle bearings in and they melted and siezed
or sand blast and do it in 2pack paint