Was alittle bored so thought I would put this up so some of you are aware, As have had a big problem with this before as some of you know, and for those who dont know do becareful when buying new throttle cables (apull) just spend that extra bit of money and get a genuine one from Yamaha the non genuine ones are absolutely rubbish in my opinion and can get stuck at anytime, and if the throttle cable gets stuck when riding, that can cause a big problem!!!!! So the first picture is a Genuine one with the white circle and of course the second picture with the black circle is the non genuine one do make sure you alway check what sort of splitter in the middle it is!!!!!
Hahahahaha Gin mate your funny.........And TOWIY mate, thought I would put this post up for the newer people learning about DT's cos this is one thing I had alot of trouble with, them dodgy throttle cables you get off ebay etc are dangerous when you really think about it, now I have learned the little sods can get stuck at anytime.
god knows what i got fitted iv be come lazy so if any think brakes i take it go a garage and say fix it. i do that to all my bikes all the tmie hence (dirtpoor). but i hope that thay fit genuin for the price i pay.
do you know where i can get a yamaha cable from please ?
Make sure it looks like the one in pic one mate pic 2 is the copied ones, and thats probably why yours is sticking they are rubbish I had this problem aswell
I know this is an old thread, but instead of making a new I'm just going to add a little bit of info
Yup, the non genuine throttle cable are shieettt!
Ordered from yambits, for Dt125re 2005-2006, and it didn't even fit my dt125re 06. It was slightly too long so the cable was loose. The piece of tube that comes inside to the oilpump was a bit too long so it wouldn't be sealed, and the clips didnt even come along, plus the original clips didn't fit perfectly on it.
And the splitter is different inside on them. The non genuine one is so simply made and so cheap made that it'll get stuck anytime.
Luckily I could replace only the oilpump cable on the genuine cable, which was in poor condition, with the non genuine. Only had to mod the piece of tube that comes in to the oilpump so it would be sealed. Now it runs fine
A lot easier to get the whole cable new each time one bit fails. Putting new cable here there and everywhere just means things will snap at different times. Where's if it's all new, you know nothing is broke.
Also, forget oil pump, run premix. It's easy once you're doing it, my oil pump failed and took my bottom end with it. :(
Yeah, don't try and save £5 or so, you're just doubling it when the chink one snaps.
If you're running on the oil pump, I wouldn't cut corners on the throttle cable, as the throttle cable mainly controls the pump. So if that little box on the chink ones didn't work, you'll be running dry.