Hey guys, started my bike up today and when I turned my headlights on nothing happened. I have no headlights, no full beam, no parking light, but I have got indicators and brake lights. Also noticed I have no horn.
Any ideas where the wiring fault is?
I was thinking recti/regulatory or on the wiring diagram their is a separate generator contact for the light.
BTW the bike is a 1990 DT125R,
Mate you have to stick with it and check it yourself. Electrics are a nightmare for everyone but you've got a wiring diagram so just check all your connections and make sure you've got a supply to the switches. If you have indicators and brake lights it can't be that bad. Don't forget the headlight only comes on when the engines running. Good luck.
Cheers buddy, yeah the electric are dicks, every wire is like following a ****ing rainbow, colour change at every point. I'll keep looking and fiddling.
The fact that it is only the lights that are causing a problem could mean that the generator or related wiring is the problem. Dont think it can be the regulator as the indicators etc wouldnt work then. If its not the generator then check the ignition switch. Agree with Garytee - electrics are a nightmare. Good luck!