Hi,need some help here,my local bike shop is selling off a few 2005 Dt exausts,must be from re model,will a pipe from this model fit a 2000 dt,they look pretty simular,but possibly the insides are designed different or mountings not the same,many thanks in advance if anyone can help
On the newer front expansion there is a mounting bolt that goes under the tank before the side panel How do I remember I hear you ask... Because it was a complete pain in the ass having to take the tank off just to do something as simple as taking the exhaust off..
It could fit, it should fit, but you may have to mod/remove that bracket I'm talking about Best bet would be eBay, for about £25-30 I won a front and back standard pipe!
When i was on about gutting my RE I was asking my parts man how much he'd charge for a standard RE expansion and I think he quoted me about £70!!