I blew up my honda mtx125 last year and i ran it in at 500 miles.. at the max speed of 30mph.. & after it was like a hybrid of rambo & chuck norris! Don't go anymore faster or put in high revs cause i can promise you it will blow up. Go easy on it & once you cleared it, it will be lush! Took me about 3 weeks to run it in 4 hours aday.. Ride in the countryside cause there's not many ****s trying to overtake. Hope it goes well!
ok will do lads cus trust me drivin at 35 aint cutiing it at the mo gt blew by a fukin 50cc moped today hes been goin round the manor sayin my bikes **** n that lol cant be havin that
you can give it a little welly helps bed in the new rings just let it warm up completly first so the temps nearly hitting about a quarter then give it some only up to about 7000rpm not loads just every now an then in short bursts.. Go easy on the way your rippin the throttle back to m8