ahh reef man ur new shiney pipe has cursed ur bike lol! sounds like a dodgy ht lead as wer u changed the plug over obviously uv had to move the plug cap n lead the ht lead coating hasnt perished atall or a bit loose? if not try unscrewing the plug cap n cutting off a little bit of the lead so the cap screws into a fresh bit of the lead. might help?
sounds abit like fuel starvation if it keeps cutting out and you have a good spark, check list to go fruu 1 when was it running good last 2 what have you changed any thing since 3 fuel getting thru electrics good 4 correct mixture oil/fuel chek oil pump/carb settings
one bike i had a mate seen it parked at a shop and then went and altered mixture screw on carb so it wasnt right messing about and it frasshed my hed simple but so affective on the bike running ha ha
have you got a manual as they have trouble shooting sections in the front
silly little things can cause so much stress when it comes to bikes and running correctly iv spent many nites pulling me hair out then found little things like broken wires in looms and daft things like that sumet so simple can be easily missed only way to chek is to dig in to it every bike iv bought iv stripped every nut n bolt and rebuilt it then i no its gonna be good and not leave me stranded road side, just for piece of mind like
yeah thanks bud, ill get it tested as soon as i can get my hands on a compression tester :)
aha dont say that bradders, gonna have to sue you now ;)
ah ok mate, ill check that tommorow as ive truly given up today with it and getting tired :/ lol
Cant belive it tho, i try as best as i can to maintain it including using the best oils.... i dont deserve this lol, how do all the chavs on these which do deserve it by raggin em everywhere manage to keep em going lol...
whip the splug out and hold a lighter over the plug hole while pressing the kick start down, if its flooded it wil suck the flame in and pop out the silencer, plug back in and try again
id have the carb off and stripped mek sure no debris stuk any where restrictin owt any way.only need fuel,comp,spark and you should be away
Norfe and stroker, yeah the plug didnt seem wet atall when i last checked but that was before getting it to start it up.
1. apart from the battery not charging the other day 2.The battery as it wasnt charging and a spark plug which later found out by stroker that its dodgy as it had a white spark... meaning the time i got it started today i was using the old spark plug and it had a purple'ish spark. 3. Thats what im unsure of, it doesnt look like it tbh as the spark plug seemed really dry earlier but ill check again tomoz 4. Havnt messed around with it but ill have a mate look into it if we cant solve the problem beforehand
Yeah i do have the service and haynes manual, good idea, ill read it tonight to see if theres anything else i should check for tomoz.
Thanks people and keep the suggestions coming, it really helps, not got the money at the minute to fork out for garage prices as ive been signed off for months now so really appreciate it :)
i can start my dt200r by hand. i use to put br8iex in my old dt. but thay was blowing evre 8-10 days so gave up on that. but lookin at the spark plug code i think i mixed up my plugs and put the honda 1 in my dt and vice versa. did you have your side stand down whan it cut out? it may be the switch.?
haha goodtimes, nope, sure on that one as i managed to move a couple of feet, if it helps people as well when it did cut out after starting it up again i found that pulling in the clutch would prevent it a bit from cutting out, seemed to have no power atall when trying to take off??
Two main things id try is clean carb or drain the bowl see if any fuel is init if not float is stuck tap it on the side to unstick it, could be compression deffo want to give it a check
ah ok ill deffo give all them 3 a go but sorry what do you mean by draining the bowl, how do i do this mate?? :) ill look in the manuals now and see if its in there
BEST THING YOU CAN DO IS read the manual cover to cover
then wen uv red it just leave it in the **** house lol
every time ur on bog read it ha thats whati do, uu will remeber it all bit by bit then, then all the slang turms used on here for instance, u willno what they mean and stuff like thet,every thing u need to no about the bike,running,using and maintanance is in the book, best bit of info u can get
i prefer the clymer manuals but have yet to find a dtr 1...
On bottum of the carb there is a drain screw to drain the fuel from float chamber, turn fuel of when you do this and it is very easy to round the screw
Think its on the left hand side as if your sat on the bike the screw that is
Yea norf deffo need one of them ive probs read it 20 times over lol and still very handy
check the float in the carbs not stuck/sticking, would cause a lack of fuel, turn off the petrol tap and take the float bowl of and see if the floats come down, could be sticky needle also, try and check that for wear
Yeah when i get the time to i have been reading both the serivce manual what you get with the re and another detailed one found on the internet :)
And thanks stroker and frezoi, ill check everything tomoz as its day off from college, i tried looking this morning how to drain the fuel from the float chamber but couldnt find nothing but guess i was looking for how to empty the bowl :) lol
Cheers guys for all your help, ill keep you posted and ill carry on reading those manuals to save keep asking on ere :D
aha think i might leave it tommorow as its firday the 13th, ill probably mess it up even more :L mates gonna help on the weekend tho to try sorting it out, gives me tommorow to read those manuals a bit more and a lay in of course lol
-- Edited by reefvodka on Thursday 12th of January 2012 08:32:02 PM
yeah stroker said that and it was a dodgy plug mate so i changed it over to the old one, before i started it up i checked to see what colour the spark was and it was purple but it fired up straight away without the choke... turned it off for a min to get ready, took it outside and warmed it up for about 5 mins and as soon as i took off it cut out... tried starting it up again but still same thing then after that was doing the same thing in the 2nd vid where it didnt want to start atall, looks like fuels not getting in to me
its all sorted now and running fine, i appreciated all the help you gave lads and thanks :D
Haha shouldnt really be admitting this but me and my mate later found the problem..... there was no petrol in the 'on section' and thats why it didnt want to start and as soon as we stwitched it to reserve it fired up fine lol.
noob or what eh, tho we inspected everything like you advised too and cleaned the air filter only, as the carb didnt need cleaning but at least i can say that i learnt lots of things from it :)
Thanks again and sorry for wasting your time lol :)
i said earlia in the posts did u remember to turn the tap on lol when ever the tank comes off if thes not much juice in it always tip it all over to the tap side
Could anyone point me in the right direction on how to check the bike is running by looking at the spark plug colour, previous thread maybe (cant seem to find it, wish people would keep the topic related to the problem rather than like "CAN ANYONE HELP" LOL)
Dont you jus quickly go up the gears with high rpm and then simply take it off as soon as and check the spark plug colour??
Np m8, but do bare in mind if you have a derestricted dt your need to check your main jet size as this will upset the mixture if its still the standard one in place
nope not derestricted atall other than the stubbyd dep and the c02 emmisions cleaner not connected up if that counts as a derestriction?? lol, ive only recently put in a new one but probably hav jus done over 100 miles, would you say buy a new one to check it properly or will it not be a biggy if i check the existing one??