I've just purchased a new caliper as my old caliper piston had seized up.
i fitted the caliper today and tried to bleed it up, i got to the point where im pumping the peddle, holding it down, opening the bleed nipple, closing it and repeating the process.
I did this over 10 times but i still cannot seem to get any pressure on the brake pedal.
If anybody knows and can help me with this problem i would be much appreicative.
Took me more than 10 times. Took me and GF a good 30 mins to get some pressure. Had to keep rocking bike to untrap the air blocks but NEV posted a pic of a better way with pipe and syrringe
cheap bit of kit that saves loads of time and messin about, if the piston can still go back in abit, send it back in with a g clamp to get it mooving again then that will free it up then bleed fluid in as normal normally comes str8 back out