just sprayed this front mud gaurd any dont no how many coats of primer i should do just done 3 good coats gona wait till morning sand it down againbut should i be adding more primer just dont no whats enuff
-- Edited by ezegreenfingers on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 07:17:14 PM
-- Edited by ezegreenfingers on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 07:17:59 PM
Just realised you have aftermarket front light shroud anyway so you can pretty much fit any yz one you want bbbbbbb.....bonus yer forgot about the spacers nev ,had to use these to make the back bit of the guard not hit the frame ,nice one
-- Edited by GADGET on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 08:25:01 PM
I'm on iPad dude ,if you wanna make any address into a link jus put [.u.r.l.] before it and [./.u.r.l] at the end (without the dots )and it works ,hope this helps dude
-- Edited by GADGET on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 08:33:42 PM
-- Edited by GADGET on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 08:35:58 PM
Did you use flexible primer ??,if so a good 3-4 light coats would do nicely,then make sure u also use flexible plastic paint or it's all gonna fall off
Noooooooooooooo just bought halfords standard automotive paint oh well only cost £8 of ebay so no jet wash for while just hope it lasts the rest of the summer can't stand the short stump on it now hate dirt in my face
If it helps man you can use nitromores paint stripper on plastics,this will get it all off real quik ,then take the paint you've got and change it for flexy stuff ,buy new primer and it should last,but to be honest it probs cheaper just to buy a new fender
Thats why I bought the cheap paint think I'm gona go buy a new one tomorrow just thought id get away with a cheap fix how much is new front fender from Yamaha
Come on dude get the link up lol,as above if you write exactly this without the dots you can make the address work as link ....[.u.r.l.]... Put that at the start then at the end also no dots .....[./.u.r.l.] (I had to put the dots in or it tried to make it a link lol )