It's a photo sharing thing on the net you'll love it ,Eze just go app store and type in photobucket (all one word ) iPad and it will come up ,then create account (easy)after this has installed on pad put it in with photography bits ,then any photo on yer pad can be uploaded in seconds ,if yer need help gettin them where you need them let me know and I'll sort it with you
Also forgot and this is good ,anything on yer screen can be photoed by pressing HOME AND POWER AT THE SAME TIME (screen shots ) so you don't even have to link lol lol lol
Ok go to PB,there is an arrow ,top right (yo might have to click screen first but it will come up) then click this and choose where your takin it from and click it ,it will upload strait away ,then after you refresh it and it's there in front of you open th pic ,tap on pic so that menu at top comes up ,you will find a chain lookin button =link, tap this go to the img bit in the drop down menu and click it ,it's now copied press ok , just go to the thread your putting it in and paste
Ok so you got to the drop down menu to take the link from ,instead of going for th http........ You should pic th one that starts IMG,CHUCK ONE UP and I'll check it for yer dude